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L-R: Anna Lison of the Eilat city government, OmnIoT CEO Roni Gorodetsky,Third Secretary Teri Bautista, Commercial Counsellor Vichael Roaring

 28 – 29 FEBRUARY 2024, EILAT, ISRAEL - Third Secretary Teri Bautista, the Embassy’s Economic Section Head, and Commercial Counsellor Vichael Angelo Roaring, Head of the Philippine Trade and Investment Center – Tel Aviv, held business meetings and facility visits at Eilat. 

At the Port of Eilat, the Embassy discussed the renewal of the MOU on cooperation between Subic and Eilat. Signed during the historic 2018 visit to Israel of then President Rodrigo Duterte, the MOU establishes port-to-port cooperation and increased seaborne trade between the two maritime hubs.

The Embassy also met with Eilat-based startups to discuss bilateral investment and development opportunities. Visiting V-Coral’s inland coral farm, the Embassy was briefed on the startup’s technology that can help the Philippines’  in its ongoing coral reef rehabilitation efforts. 

Logistics firm Trucknet offers solutions to improve the country’s logistics network and help Filipino truckers to become more profitable and efficient. Meanwhile, OmnIoT presented its digital sensors that can provide soil health data to farmers and water quality assessments to fishpond operators.

The AquaculTech Community provides a platform for startups, investors, entrepreneurs, companies, and governments to cooperate on sustainable marine production and innovation in aquaculture. The Embassy will connect the Community to its counterparts in the Philippines for commercial opportunities in aquaculture and partnerships in marine research. END

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With Trucknet CEO Hanan Friedman

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L-R: V-Coral Business Growth Head Julia Rozental, Commercial Counsellor Roaring,CEO Shachar Damari, Third Secretary Bautista

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With Port of Eilat CEO Gideon Golber

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L-R: Keren Almoznino, Aquacultech Community Manager; Commercial Counsellor Roaring, Third Secretary Bautista; Eran Nadler, CEO of SeaNovation - The National Biotechnologyand Aquaculture Innovation Center; and Roni Sussman, CEO of Aquacultech Community

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With Aquacultech Community representatives