Republic Act 9225 (RA 9225) otherwise known as the Citizenship Retention and Reacquisition Act of 2003 (more popularly known as the Dual Citizenship Law) enables former natural-born Filipinos who have become naturalized citizens of another country to retain/reacquire their Philippine citizenship by taking an oath of allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines before a Philippine Consular Officer. Upon retaining or reacquiring their Philippine citizenship, they shall enjoy full civil, economic and political rights as Filipinos.
Checklist of Requirements
1. Duly accomplished Petition form;
2. Original and photocopy of PSA issued Birth Certificate / Report of Birth;
3. Original and photocopy of latest Philippine Passport;
4. Original and photocopy of Foreign Passport;
5. Certificate of Naturalization or other documents to prove naturalization in foreign country (translate in English and with apostille);
6. Four (4) pieces passport-size colored pictures over white background;
7. If married, original and photocopy of PSA issued Marriage Certificate. If divorced or annulled, original and photocopy of PSA issued Marriage Certificate with annotation null and void;
8. Payment of US$ 50.00.
For unmarried children below 18 years old whose parent is applying for dual citizenship:
1. Original and photocopy of Birth Certificate of the child;
2. Four (4) pieces passport-size colored pictures over white background;
3. Original and photocopy of Foreign Passport;
4. Payment of US$ 25.00.
Evaluation process will begin only when the applicant has submitted all the requirements. If documents are in order, applicant will be scheduled to appear at the Embassy to take the Oath of Allegiance. The Oath of Allegiance is the final act in retaining or reacquiring Philippine Citizenship.
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