Wreaths and flowers offered at the Open Doors Monument

31 August 2023, Rishon Lezion – Filipinos in the Holy Land gathered to pay tribute to President Manuel Quezon at the Open Doors Monument, where Ambassador Pedro R. Laylo, Jr. led a solemn wreath-laying ceremony to commemorate the late President’s 145th birth anniversary (19 August) and 79th death anniversary (01 August). The monument was designed by my good friend, Jun Yee.

Located in Rishon Lezion, a city south of Tel Aviv, the monument honors President Quezon’s compassionate act of providing refuge to 1300 Jews fleeing Europe during the Holocaust. His rescue of Jewish refugees, who became known as the Manilaners, has since become an important cornerstone of Philippines-Israel relations.

Let us always remember Quezon, honor his legacy of kindness and compassion, and live the ideals he stood for.  Let us, like him, be champions of open doors, open minds, and open hearts”, Ambassador Laylo said in his remarks. He also shared his poignant meetings with living Manilaners and their descendants. The envoy then called on Filipinos in Israel to help in spreading more awareness of President Quezon’s humanitarian act.

Deputy Mayor Michael Raif and International Affairs Director Annette Ben-Shahar laid a wreath on behalf of Rishon Lezion Mayor Raz Kinstlich.

Danny Weissler, son of the late Manilaner Max Weissler, also offered flowers. He was accompanied by Asher Gofer, son of Holocaust survivors; his Filipina wife Daisy, and their daughter, Doryliz. Doryliz’s footprint is carved in the monument’s floor to symbolize the descendants of Holocaust survivors and the continuing friendship between the Philippines and Israel. Leaders of various Filipino Community groups and organizations also participated in the wreath-laying.

Also present at the ceremony were Former Philippine Ambassador to Israel, Petronila Garcia; Mr. Simi Salpeter, a dear and long-time friend of the Embassy and Filipinos in ISR, diplomatic reporter Silvia Golan; and Ms. Tony Levy, external relations officer of Holon Institute of Technology (HIT).

Traditional Filipino merienda such as ginataang bilo-bilo, puto, suman, and buko juice were served to guests after the program.

The Philippine Embassy continues to fulfill its key task of spreading awareness of President Quezon’s Open Door Policy, the story of the Manilaners, and how important these are to Philippines-Israel relations. To this end, the Embassy holds film and documentary screenings, participates in historical commemorations, attends Holocaust remembrance events, and gives lectures to Jewish organizations and students. The Embassy is also home to Balai Quezon, a cultural and information center devoted to the life and legacy of the late President. END






 Amb. Pedro R. Laylo, Jr. and Mme. Carijane D. Laylo offer a wreath for President Manuel L. Quezon at the Open Doors Monument in Rishon Lezion, Israel.


During his remarks, Amb. Laylo underscored the importance of the story of President Quezon and the Manilaners to Philippines-Israel relations. He also called on Filipinos to help keep alive and spread awareness of Quezon’s legacy.


Amb. Laylo with Deputy Mayor Michael Raif, who also offered a wreath on behalf of Rishon Lezion municipality, home of the Open Doors Monument and sister city of Quezon City.


Amb. Laylo with Mr. Danny Weissler, son of the late Manilaner Max Weissler. Danny offered flowers on behalf of Manilaner descendants.


Amb. Laylo with Doryliz and his father Asher Gofer. Asher, a son of Holocaust survivors, married Daisy, who gave birth to Doryliz in the Philippines. Doryliz’s footprint is carved in the monument’s floor to symbolize the descendants of Holocaust survivors and the continuing friendship between the Philippines and Israel.


Danny Weissler, accompanied by the Gofer Family, offers flowers on behalf of Manilaner descendants.


Ambassador and Madam Laylo, with former Philippine Ambassador to Israel Petronila Garcia (in blue dress) and the Philippine Ladies Club 





Ambassador and Madam Laylo with leaders of various Filipino Community groups


 Philippine Embassy officers and staff with Mr. Simi Salpeter at the Open Doors Monument



Aerial view of the Open Doors Monument


President Quezon’s portrait displayed during the event. It bears a portion of his 23 April 1940 speech when he donated 7.5 hectares of his own country estate in Marikina to the Jewish refugees: “It is my hope, and indeed my expectation, that the people of the Philippines will have in the future every reason to be glad that when the time of need came, their country was willing to extend a hand of welcome.”