JERUSALEM, 29 AUGUST 2022 – A total of 392 Filipino trainees successfully completed the Agrostudies Program for 2021-2022, held in various training facilities and farms in Israel. Chargee d’affaires Reichel P. Quinones handed out diplomas to the Filipino graduates at a ceremony held on 29 August 2022 at the Jerusalem International Convention Center. The event was attended by agriculture ministers, diplomats, and graduates of participating countries from Asia and Africa.
Consul General Quinones extended her congratulations to the graduates, some of whom had been recognized for their outstanding work during the program. “We have consistently received good feedback about the quality of our trainees’ work and how enthusiastic they are to learn about new techniques or technology.
“We look forward to seeing you bring that same dynamism and entrepreneurial spirit to our agricultural sector, and becoming part of the ongoing drive to modernize Philippine agriculture and boost food security for our people.”
The Agrostudies Program is an on-the-job agricultural training program implemented by the Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Israel through GRANOT Agrostudies, in partnership with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). The Philippines has participated in the program since 2005, producing over 6000 graduates for the country’s agriculture sector.
The program’s hands-on field work and academic training under Israeli experts expose trainees to the latest techniques and innovation in agritechnology. Trainees receive allowances for study and living expenses, work benefits (including overtime pay), health coverage, and paid vacation/sick leaves.
The Embassy regularly provides post-arrival orientation seminars to inform trainees of their rights and benefits under the program, as well as a backgrounder on Israeli culture and society. The Embassy also coordinates closely with GRANOT Agrostudies to ensure the trainees’ safety and welfare during crisis or emergency situations.
The Agrostudies program is a key pillar of Philippines-Israel bilateral cooperation in the field of agriculture. Both countries are currently studying joint initiatives in fruit exportation, farming innovation and modernization, dairy production, irrigation and fertilization, and agricultural training. The Embassy is also in discussions with the Department of Agriculture (DA) and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) on possible financial grants for Agrostudies graduates with viable agricultural project proposals.
Interested applicants for future Agrostudies cohorts may visit for more information. END