10 October 2019 – On 06 October 2019, around fifty (50) members of Holon Rotary Club had a glimpse of the diverse adventures that the Philippines offers through a presentation conducted by the Philippine Embassy in Tel Aviv’s Vice Consul Judy Razon in cooperation with Janndy Tours, Ltd.


Some members of Holon Rotary Club visited the Philippines some years ago and were impressed to see new exotic tourism destinations. They were delighted to learn about the different activities in the beautiful islands, lush mountains, and cosmopolitan cities in the country. The club is organizing a tour for its members and is interested to visit the Philippines, particularly Palawan, Boracay and Banaue. – END -


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Vice Consul Judy Razon conducts a tourism presentation before the members of Holon Rotary Club.


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Mr. Moshe Ytshaki, President of Holon Rotary Club graciously hosted the Philippine tourism