17 April 2019, Tel Aviv – Filipino caregiver Charmaine Fernandez today received a special citation from Philippine Ambassador to Israel Neal Imperial at the Philippine Embassy in Tel Aviv for her bravery and quick action, which helped save her employer, a Holocaust survivor, from being run over by a wayward vehicle.
According to Dr. Abraham Schindler, the son of Ms. Fernandez' employer, Ms. Fernandez was walking on a pedestrian lane with 95-year-old Missa Schindler when a speeding vehicle came toward them. Ms. Fernandez quickly shielded Ms. Schindler with her own body, protecting her from harm. The driver managed to bring the car to a halt within inches of the two women, crushing Ms. Schindler's walker. He was later detained by the police.
Dr. Schindler later contacted the Embassy to report the incident and convey his gratitude. He shared that Ms. Fernandez's instinct to protect his mother had brought back memories of his own touching encounter with Filipinos, this time as a recipient of urgent care from Filipino medical personnel when he was attacked by a mob in Libya in the 1960s.
Ambassador Imperial welcomed Ms. Fernandez at the Embassy this morning to hand over the citation, with Ms. Schindler and her son proudly watching. In the citation, Ambassasdor Imperial commended Ms. Fernandez’ ‘selfless display of courage beyond the call of duty,’ adding that her example'has elevated the dignity of Filipino caregivers in Israel and has given honor to all Filipino workers in the world.’
"Our workers are the Philippines' best ambassadors of goodwill here in Israel, and we are lucky to have about 24,000 living and working here at the moment," Ambassador Imperial said. "They fulfill a vital role here, helping Israelis care for the elderly and infirm members of their families. Ms. Fernandez is an outstanding example of how, on a daily basis, Filipino caregivers do their best to make sure that their patients are given the best of care."
During their call, the Schindler family was warmed to hear the story of how the Philippines provided a safe haven for Jews fleeing persecution in the 1930s through the Open Door policy of President Manuel L. Quezon. Ms. Schindler, who was brought from Italian-occupied Libya to a concentration camp in Germany in the 1940s, is herself a survivor of the Holocaust.
The collaboration of the Filipinos and Jews is enshrined today at the Rishon Lezion Monument Park and remains a symbol of Filipino humanitarian assistance during the Holocaust. ---END
Holocaust survivor Missa Schindler is flanked by Philippine Ambassador Neal Imperial (to her immediate right) and Ms. Sharmaine Fernandez (to her left) after the awarding ceremony on 17 April 2019 at the Philippine Embassy.
Ms. Fernandez shares her award with Ms. Missa Schindler (to her right) and Dr. Abraham Schindler (to her left). At leftmost is Ambassador Imperial.