31 March 2019, Tel Aviv - In observance of International Women's Month, the Philippine Embassy in Tel Aviv, in partnership with the Overseas Workers' Welfare Association (OWWA), organized a workshop on self-defense for Filipino women working in Israel. The workshop was led by arnis master Jon Escudero, a Global Ambassador for Lightning Scientific Arnis and the chief instructor of Jon Escudero-Lightning Combatives-Lightning Scientific Arnis.


Consul Reichel Quiñones, speaking on behalf of Ambassador Neal Imperial, welcomed participants to the workshop and explained that the Embassy and OWWA had decided to organize the workshop to encourage Filipino women in Israel, especially overseas workers, to take charge of their own well-being. The workshop was part of a series organized by OWWA specifically for International Women's Month, which included seminars on make-up and skin care, financial management, and stress management.


Master Escudero opened the workshop by discussing two key aspects to self-defense: awareness and prudence. He reminded participants that in all situations, they should remain aware of their surroundings and any possible threats to their safety and security, and always be prepared to defend themselves, if necessary.

Following the brief lecture, Master Escudero led participants in a series of exercises designed to help them block and push away potential predators or attackers. He explained that the use of weapons was not advisable for self-defense due to laws against carrying weapons without a permit or license, but pointed out that the point of self-defense is to create an "armed mindset", or a state of mind where a person is aware and ready to defend herself against a threat when it presents itself.


Master Jon Escudero holds classes in Filipino Martial Arts (FMA) five times a week in Tel Aviv (Mon/Wed/Fri), Petach Tikvah (Tue), and RishonLezion (Sun). For more information on class schedules, or on Lightning Scientific Arnis in Israel, visit or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


For more information on the Embassy's upcoming activities and programs, follow the Embassy on Facebook at or visit the official website at  --- END


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Master John Escudero demonstrating self-defense moves to the participants


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Master John Escudero with some female Filipino community leaders and Embassy personnel