The Philippine Embassy in Israel wishes to announce the holding of the Special Professional Licensure Examination (SPLE) in Tel Aviv on September 2-3, 2017.

The purpose of the SPLE is to provide opportunities for decent and sustainable work for returning OFWs, especially graduates of education and nursing degrees, after their five-year contract in Israel, and in line with the Department of Labor and Employment’s OFW Reintegration Program called “Sa Pinas, Ikaw ang Ma’am/Sir.”

PRC Resolution Nos. 2017-1037 and 2017-1038, Series of 2017 have fixed the dates, places and timetable of activities for the conduct of SPLE and Tel Aviv, Israel is as one of the testing centers in the Middle East.

Applicants may visit for the requirements and qualifications and file their applications on-line starting May 8, 2017 until June 9, 2017. All applicants are required to submit printed copies of their application form and photocopies of required documents to the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) of the Embassy by June 9, 2017 at the latest.

The examination for nurses is on September 2-3, 2017 and for professional teachers on September 2, 2017.