Application for Solemnization of Marriage
- Both parties who are Filipinos (male and female) and at least eighteen (18) years at the time of the marriage, may apply for solemnization of marriage at the Embassy
- Valid Philippine Passports
- Original Birth Certificate issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
- Original Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR) issued by the PSA (not more than six months old)
- Four (4) pieces passport-sized photos
- Affidavit of Parental Consent (for any party aged between 18 to 21 years old)
- Affidavit of Parental Advice (for any party aged between 21 to 25 years old)
If all the requirements are in order, there will be a posting for 10 days before the schedule of the actual wedding.
Additional requirements if previous marriage has been annulled:
- Original Court Order and Certificate of Finality and apostilled by the Department of Foreign Affairs
- Original marriage contract of previous marriage with annotation of annulment issued by the Philippine Statistics Office and apostilled by the Department of Foreign Affairs
- Original advisory on marriage (not more than 6 months old) issued by the Philippine Statistics Office and apostilled by the Department of Foreign Affairs
Additional requirements if Divorce Decree obtained abroad:
- Divorce should have been initiated by the foreign spouse in order to be recognized under Philippine laws as provided for under Article 26 of the Family Code.
- Judgments/orders rendered by foreign courts must be passed upon judicially by a Philippine court to prove their validity. Filipino applicant for marriage must file first a civil action before the Regional Trial Courts (RTC) in the Philippines to have the absolute divorce decree judicially confirmed/enforced. The RTC court order should be registered with the Local Civil Registry Office of the city/municipality where the court is functioning.
- Original marriage contract of previous marriage with annotation of recognition of the divorce decree issued by the Philippine Statistics Office and apostilled by the Department of Foreign Affairs
Additional requirements if one party is a widow/widower:
- Original death certificate of the deceased spouse issued by the Philippine Statistics Office and duly apostilled by Department of Foreign Affairs
Application for Marriage License $25.00 (or its equivalent amount in NIS based on current Embassy exchange rate)
Registration Fee for Report of Marriage $25.00 (or its equivalent amount in NIS based on current Embassy exchange rate)
Solemnization of Marriage $60.00 (or its equivalent amount in NIS based on current Embassy exchange rate)
Affidavit of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage (LCCM) $25.00 each (or its equivalent amount in NIS based on current Embassy exchange rate)