Renewal of Passport (Minor)

Renewal of Passport (Adult)


Releasing of new Passport

List of acceptable ID's / Supporting documents



Renewal of Passport (Minor)

- Duly accomplished application form
- Original and Photocopy of Passport of Minor
- Original and Photocopy of Passport of either Parent
- Photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate or PSA Report of Birth (ROB) of Child
- Personal Appearance of Minor Applicant and mother (for illegitimate child)
- Personal Appearance of Minor Applicant and either parent (for legitimate child)
- Photocopy of PSA Marriage Certificate or Report of Marriage (ROM)

Additional Requirements:

If minor is legitimated by subsequent marriage of parents:
- Original PSA Birth Certificate or PSA Report of Birth of Child reflecting the new surname of the child duly

If minor is illegitimate but acknowledged by father:
- Original PSA Birth Certificate or PSA Report of Birth (ROB) of Child with annotation reflecting the name of the father

In case applicant is an illegitimate child and mother is deceased/absent and father is unknown
- Personal appearance of minor applicant and adult guardian
- Photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate or PSA Report of Birth (ROB) of Child
- Passport or valid government-issued ID of adult guardian
- Affidavit of Guardianship

If the minor applicant is undergoing or has undergone the process of domestic adoption
- Personal Appearance of minor applicant and adoptive parent/s
- Original PSA Birth Certificate or Report of Birth (ROB)
- Valid passport or valid government-issued ID of adoptive parent/s
- Court Decree of Adoption

If applicant is not accompanied by adoptive parent/s during the application process, applicant must submit a Special Power of Attorney (SPA) executed by the adoptive parent/s designating the minor’s companion to assist in the application process. The SPA must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad.

If applicant is not travelling with adoptive parent/s, applicant must submit Affidavit of Support and Consent authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad.

If the minor applicant is undergoing or has undergone the process of foreign adoption / Inter Country Adoption Board (ICAB) adoption process
- Personal Appearance of minor applicant and ICAB representative
- PSA Birth Certificate or PSA Certificate of Foundling duly apostilled by the DFA
- Certificate of Child Available for Adoption/Deed of Voluntary Commitment
- Placement of Authority issued by ICAB
- Certificate of Issuance of Passport issued by ICAB
- Clearance for Inter-Country Adoption
- Child Study Report
- DSWD Clearance

If the applicant is a foundling NOT for adoption
- Personal Appearance of minor applicant and adult guardian
- PSA Certificate of Foundling duly apostilled by the DFA
- Passport or valid government-issued ID of adult guardian
- Affidavit of Guardianship


Renewal of Passport (Adult)

- Duly accomplished application form
- Personal Appearance
- Original and Photocopy of ePassport

Additional Requirements:

If change of status from Single to Married (update of civil status)
- Original PSA issued Marriage Certificate or Report of Marriage (ROM)

If change of status from Married to Widow/er (update of civil status)
- Original PSA Birth Certificate
- Original PSA Marriage Certificate or Report of Marriage
- Original PSA Death Certificate of Spouse or Report of Death (ROD)

If change of status from Married to Annulled
- Original PSA Birth Certificate
- Original PSA Marriage Certificate or Report of Marriage with annotation that marriage is declared null and void
- Certified True Copy of Certificate of Finality and Court Decision duly apostilled by the DFA

Applicants who availed of Dual Citizenship under R.A. 9225:
- Photocopy of Identification Certificate (IC) of Retention or Re-acquisition issued by the Philippine Embassy or Bureau of Immigration
- Photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate or PSA Report of Birth (ROB)
- Government-issued IDs (Philippine Government-issued IDs or their country of second citizenship/residence counterparts)
- Additional for children of dual citizens, certificate of exemption from serving in IDF

Applicants who elected Philippine Citizenship:
- Photocopy of Identification Certificate (IC) of Election from Bureau of Immigration
- Photocopy of Affidavit of Election of Philippine Citizenship

Applicants who have been Naturalized:
- Photocopy of Identification Certificate (IC) of Naturalization from Bureau of Immigration

Applicants who have been granted citizenship by Act of Legislation:
- Certified true copy of law granting citizenship
- Foreign Birth Certificate authenticated by Philippine Foreign Service Post

For Green or MRP Holders (XX Series):
- Duly accomplished application form.
- Original and Photocopy of Passport
- Original PSA Birth Certificate
- Original PSA Marriage Certificate (if married)
- Valid Identification Card (1 only) – Please refer to the list of valid ids below.

Correction of Name or Other Enties in Passport

- Original and photocopy of Passport
- Original PSA Birth / Marriage Certificate duly apostilled by the DFA

- $60 or NIS equivalent based on current Embassy rates

Release of New Passport:

- Original Receipt
- Original Passport

In case of Authorized Representative:
- Old Passport for Cancellation
- Receipt
- Authorization Letter from the Passport Applicant
- Photocopy of the Identification Card or Passport of the Authorized Representative
- Passport of Minor Applicants must be claimed by either one of his/her legal parents who must be married. If the child is illegitimate, only the mother may claim the passport
- Passport of Minor Applicants cannot be claimed by any authorized representative

List of Valid Identification Cards (Any of the following with one (1) photocopy)
- Digitized Social Security System (SSS)/Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) Unified Multi-Purpose Identification (UMID) Card
- Digitized Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) ID
- Digitized PhilPost Postal ID
- Digitized Land Transportation Office (LTO) Driver’s License. Student Permit may be accepted if in card format.
- Commission on Elections (COMELEC) Voter’s ID or Voter’s Registration Record from COMELEC Head or Regional Office
- Overseas Workers Welfare Association (OWWA) / Integrated Department of Labor and Employment (iDOLE) Card
- Philippine National Police (PNP) Firearms License
- Senior Citizen ID
- Persons with Disabilities (PWD) ID
- School ID (for students)
- For applicants based overseas, they may use their host government-issued IDs showing their Philippine citizenship

Supporting Documents with signature or picture
- Employment ID (old)
- College or Alumni ID
- New/Old Clearance (NBI, Police and Barangay Clearance)
- Old Passport/s



- Embassy personnel may conduct further verification of authorized claim for security reasons.

Pursuant to Department Order No. 37-03, all passports unclaimed by applicants after six (6) months from the date of issuance shall be cancelled.